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Royal Commission

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 Contents - Feb 2013AD2000 February 2013 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: AD2000 25 years on: the challenges remain - Michael Gilchrist
Royal Commission: The Church in Australia faces moment of truth - Peter Westmore
News: The Church Around the World
Adoration: Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration embraced by Brisbane parish - Kate Hobbs
Parish Renewal: New springtime for Catholic faith at St Mary's, South Brisbane - Jenny Davies
Marriage: UK Family Court judge: why marriage is worth fighting for - Madonna Brosnan (ed.)
Events: iWitness Retreat: a celebration of young adult Catholic faith - Br Barry Coldrey
Religious freedom: The widows of Kandmahal: anti-Christian violence in India - Babette Francis
Schools: Drawing pupils to God through the true, the good and the beautiful - Rosemary Anderson
Grace: Indulgences: relics of the past or still Church teaching? - John Young
History: Parish life in the Middle Ages (Part 2): living under canon law - Frank Mobbs
Pilgrimage: Christus Rex Pilgrimage 2012: from Ballarat to Bendigo - Patrick Doyle
Letters: Church unity? - Richard Congram
Letters: Royal Commission - Arnold Jago
Letters: Shared faith? - John Frey
Letters: Secularist creed - Fr Bernard McGrath
Books: THE PASSION OF PERPETUA AND FELICITY, by Thomas J. Heffernan - Peter Westmore (reviewer)
Books: TAI CHI, REIKI: A Guide for all Christians, by Br Max Sculley FSC - Br Barry Coldrey (reviewer)
Fighting Fund: 2012 Fighting Fund update
Books: Order books from
Reflection: The cathedral: symbol of Christ's authoritative teaching - Bishop Michael Kennedy

Can a Royal Commission make child abuse less common? If so, let's get on with it. But doesn't most child abuse happen within families: uncles, step-parents, the mother's new live-in boyfriend, etc?

Most abused children in Australia have probably never met a priest, or have any clear idea what a priest is. Could the focusing on Catholic priests be - in part perhaps - the brainchild of persons at least as interested in discrediting the Church as in protecting children?

By all means hold the Church accountable for letting bad things happen. But if our priority is children's safety, the Commission must ruthlessly investigate every level of society.

Mildura, Vic

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 26 No 1 (February 2013), p. 16

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